Fun with OCR

The only problem with using typewriters to compose my first drafts, is that I somehow have to get those words into the computer. I’m currently using PaperPort, but I’ve tried MS Office’s OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool as well. The computer has mixed results at translating the typewriting pages into document files. I don’t think I had the resolution turned up high enough on this last batch because it was particularly bad. Here’s a funny example:

A painting still hung where the headboard would have been, years of neglect transmuting the colors into a stat brown sky over a burnt orange ocean with sunbeasts that looked like pies raining down from heaven.

Now I want to know what “sunbeasts” are. And why do they look like pies? Mmmm… pie.

One response to “ Fun with OCR ”

  1. Majlis Nash says:

    Love it. Ohh pie you say ?

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